Australian Composer

Five new works published in the first half of 2024: Preludes No. 18, 19 & 20 for piano; trio for violin, piano and cello (Pegasus' Travels); and string quartet (Three Preludes).
A new vinyl recording Cochran plays Cochran is now available for order at all good record shops, Amazon.com or Apple Music.
Other recent compositions: Piano fantasia/sonata No. 7 (Sul Settimo), Valse No. 3, Preludes Nos. 13 to 17, and Night Scenes for soprano and piano, comprising of The Stars, The Witch, The Night Wind and The Night Sea.
The second movement of Symphonic Tale for pianoforte, titled Fantasia No. 5 (The Wind Sylph and the Dryad), was recently re-published with the introductory poem.
During the rest of 2024, Julian intends to compose new piano works.
Some notes by Julian Cochran about the five-part Pegasus' Travels follows:
".. one may consider in isolation the inherent appearance and capacities of this beautiful creature. Pegasus thus exudes unbounded freedom as it passes across borders, perhaps not even aware of them, at great speed; and overcoming of the herd-loving characteristics of its horse-cousins, Pegasus prefers to be away from crowds and takes pleasure in its isolation and independence. But it shares the caprice and life-long playfulness of its horse-cousins; and combining magnificent elegance, unending strength – the stallion is not light but appears so only from the vast wing-strength – and timeliness grace, classical ballet can only strive to reach what is inherent and natural for this majestic creature."